Yesterday, 22nd March, we repaired fencing on the adjacent field to the Sledging Field.
As was mentioned during the recent AGM, by looking at the photos under you can see the extent of damage done by people breaking through fences on private land. This is not part of SOSFrome land, nor is it on a public footpath. We have to repair the vandalism as this area is part of the cattle-grazing arrangement between 4 landowners. It seems that some people think that if a path, or land under a gate is muddy, they are entitled to cut and break down a fence because they are not wearing suitable footwear. Until the Sustrans path is extended, the only public way through this fence is through the wooded kissing gate.
Today, in order to strengthen it to restrain cattle, we also repaired fencing round the cottage at the top of the big field next to the Ramblers-sponsored kissing gate.
Cut and trampled fencing between Whatcombe Farm's and Low Water Farm's fields.
"Informal footpath" forced through the trampled fencing.
Detail of fencing wire deliberatly cut. WHY?
Repaired area, gate tied back in the hope no-one else decides they have priority over private property and re-cuts the wire. JY & IM