10 January 2018
Permissive Path

Today I fixed "Permissive Path" waymarks on the two new kissing gates at the top of the big field alongside the A362. 

This is to indicate to walkers that we are happy that the route is used, as if one has not been there before, it is not obvious that there are two gates. Whilst doing so I met a gentleman with a dog who had actually walked outside alongside the road, as he had started to come into Frome before I fixed the second waymark.

He said it had been a while since coming that way, and was delighted to see that two gates were now in place.

We have decided to leave it like that unless there appears to be a good reason for asking Somerset County Council to take over responsibility for this path by declaring it a Public Footpath.

Of course within the three SOS Whatcombe Fields are we do not expect walkers to keep to the designated paths, but in the adjacent individually owned fields the public footpaths and the unfinished Sustrans metalled way should be used.

Jimm Y-->

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