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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 11/12/2024.



Please see NEWS page of today's date 3rd April 2023







This is booked for......  evening at........  

Shareholders should receive details by e-mail.

Watch This Space Please!


Please don't forget to look at the NEWS page.

E-mail address contact to directors:


or via the CONTACT link in the menu at left.

The official address is

SOSFrome, 2 Low Water, FROME,  BA11 3AR



- Please see link after the introduction and pictures under.


SOS (Save Open Spaces) Frome

is a community benefit society formed to try to protect green spaces in Frome. 

Whatcombe fields saved for the community - 2015

When Whatcombe Fields came up for auction early in summer 2014, there were concerns that another much loved open space in Frome would be lost.

Save Open Spaces asked the landowner for six months for us to try to raise the money to buy the land ourselves, so as to avoid a re-run of the experience with Rodden Lake Stream Meadow, when our attempt to persuade the council to prevent the sale of the land by putting in a community asset bid was not successful.

We did it! £325,000 was raised, enough for the purchase of Whatcombe Fields in March 2015. A group of 282+ shareholders now jointly own this beautiful 34 acre stretch of fields and are keen that the public can continue to enjoy them as a community space.  For the time being, the current grazier continues to graze his cattle periodically and we are talking to Somerset Wildlife Trust about ways that wildlife diversity can be increased without interfering with the productive farm use.

For developments since 2015 please see NEWS items, including older ones accessed by clicking "View All Stories" at the foot of the NEWS page.











































Save Open Spaces Frome Ltd.

Hereunder is the constitution of the company, which was agreed at the A.G.M. of 2021. Of particular note is the newly reduced minimum shareholding requirement of £50, which we hope will be interesting for potential shareholders.




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